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Loving, Learning,
Growing Together With Jesus

Equality and Diversity

Here you will find details of how we meet our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and support our commitment to providing an environment in which each individual has complete equality of opportunities and do not suffer any discrimination, whether directly or indirectly.

Our General Equality Duty

In October 2010, the new Equality Act introduced a Public Sector Equality Duty, which requires our school to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not

Protected Characteristics

There are 9 Protected Characteristics under the Equality Act; Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex and Sexual Orientation. The Equality Duty requires our school to consider how our activities affect the people who share these different protected characteristics and to publish information to show how we do this.

Equality Information

In order to meet our Equality Duty, we are required to publish Equality Information about how our policies and practices affect those with Protected Characteristics. 

Equality Objectives

As well as publishing Equality Information, we are required to establish at least one Equality Objective to address any areas of inequality, or possible inequality, identified as part of our analysis. Details of our objectives can be found within our Equality Information and Objectives (Public Sector Equality Duty) Statement for Publication. We will publish Equality Objectives at least every four years.

In our school, we teach children about equality and diversity explicitly through our bespoke personal development curriculum, SHINE. We are also currently working towards the School of Sactuary Award.

🌟Click here for more information about SHINE🌟

In addition to the themes we cover in our SHINE curriculum, the children from our Inclusion Leadership Team have chosen to promote and celebrate the following National Awareness Themes throughout the year.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 

Black History Month

Anti-Bullying Week

InterFaith Celebration Week

Disability Awareness Month

Race and Equality Week

Safer Internet Day

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

National Culture Week

Global Accessibility Awareness 

Refugee Week




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Further information regarding our commitment to equality can be obtained by contacting Mrs J. Ambrose.

Tel: 0151 477 8490

Accessibility Audit & Plan 

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St Margaret Mary's Catholic Junior SchoolPilch Lane,
L14 0JG

Contact Us

Mr L. Pimblett | Business Manager

0151 477 8490

SEN Email |

0151 477 8490