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Loving, Learning,
Growing Together With Jesus

School Uniform

Winter Uniform

Grey skirt, grey trousers or grey shorts

Yellow blouse

White shirt worn with a black and gold tie 

Grey cardigan or pullover with school badge

Short or knee length white or grey socks (not sport or patterned socks) 

During the winter months thick black or grey tights may be worn 

Black flat shoes - conventional style, polishable or patent leather (not trainers) 

Summer Uniform (optional)

Yellow and white checked dress with grey or white cardigan 

Yellow polo shirt (NOT tee-shirt) 

Grey shorts 

Black or white flat shoes conventional style, polishable or patent leather (not trainers) 

PE Kit

Badged yellow tee-shirt

Plain black shorts - cycling shorts are not acceptable 

Plain black sweatshirt and jogging bottoms (a school tracksuit with our badge is optional)


Swimming kit – swimming costume or trunks (not long shorts). Children with long hair must wear a swimming cap.


HAIR: Hair should be appropriately styled. Long hair should be tied back at all times with yellow or black ribbons/bobbles.

Hair should not be excessively short or inappropriately styled (numbers or designs are not acceptable). 

ACCESSORIES: No accessories other than a watch and a pair of stud earnings will be allowed for safety reasons.


Lisa's Schoolwear is the official school uniform supplier however, most items can be purchased from supermarkets. We also have a range of pre-loved uniform in school were most items are available on request (please ask at the school office).





Find Us

St Margaret Mary's Catholic Junior SchoolPilch Lane,
L14 0JG

Contact Us

Mr L. Pimblett | Business Manager

0151 477 8490

SEN Email |

0151 477 8490