Our Parents' Association meet regularly and new members are always welcome. The PTA supports the school in so many ways through valuable fundraising events which enhances curriculum through the provision of additional resources, school trips, parties and celebrations. If you are a parent or carer of a student who currently attends the school, you are automatically a member.
The PTA has three main aims and objectives:
- developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school.
- engaging in activities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
- providing and assisting in the provision of such facilities or items for education at the school (not provided from statutory funds) as the committee shall time to time determine.
Why join in?
The PTA raises funds for the benefit of all students and staff in order to provide the best possible resources and facilities for you children to enhance their learning.
More support is always needed to help the small and dedicated few as the school continues to grow.
You do not have to be on the Committee! Adult help is always appreciated and if you can help out in any way on a mini project etc, or have a special skill that we can utilise then please in touch. Lending a hand, even if you have very little time, can benefit all the students at SMMJ. The money raised is donated towards those invaluable “extras” for which the usual sources of funding are unavailable.
If you are interested in joining the Committee, or just want to help, please send an email to or leave a message with the school office.